We gotta pay to play

EYC is supporting us, we have to support them - for many reasons. We get to use the J-22s, we have Nan supporting us, and the support of the board. We need to show that we appreciate it. There are also insurance things to consider.

So, we ALL need to sign up as pay the nominal fees and sign the waiver to be a part of the team. Both Skippers AND Crew.

Skippers - $250 plus deposit (a hold on a CC) Crew - $100

* For just a bit more, you can also get access to the club’s fleet of kayaks, SUPs, etc - and access to the J-22s on days other than Monday or Tuesday **

We expect 100% participation!

Click the link - EYC Watercraft Access Program - It’s quick and easy. Contact Nan Walker with any questions - waterfront@eastportyc.org